This is not a test and does not go towards marks.
This questionnaire is just for discussion purposes only.
Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability.
- How many hours a day and week do you think you are using the internet?
- What are the three things you like the most when surfing a website?
- What are the three things you like least or annoys you the most when surfing a website?
- What are the top three things you use the web for?
- Name three other uses for the web.
- Have you built a web page or web site before?
- Do you know what HTML stands for?
- Do you know what CSS stands for?
- Do you know what Javascript does?
- Have you heard of AJAX? What does it stand for and what does it do?
- Have you heard of JQuery and what it does?
- What is WordPress and what does it do?
- What social media sites are you on and currently using?